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  • What age is Curiosity Chronicles intended for?
    Curiosity Chronicles is aimed at elementary and middle school aged children; however the books can be used as a spring board for deeper study by older students, especially if those students have not formally studied history before. The target grade range for each book is as follows: Snapshots of Ancient History is aimed at 1st to 3rd grade students. Snapshots of Medieval History is aimed at 2nd to 5th grade students. Snapshots of Early Modern History is aimed at 3rd to 6th grade students. Snapshots of Modern History is aimed at 4th to 8th grade students.
  • Is Curiosity Chronicles really secular?
    Yes! Curiosity Chronicles discusses religion because it's an important part of history, but it doesn't preach it or show preference for one religion.
  • When will the next book be released?
    Our next release will be Snapshots of Modern History: Volume 2, covering history from 1914 to the 1950s. No release date has been announced.
  • Can I share my PDF of Curiosity Chronicles with my friends?
    All Curiosity Chronicles files are copyrighted. We ask that you respect our copyright and not share electronic or physical copies of the books with others. Respecting our copyright helps support the author in writing future books.
  • How long are download links available?
    Instant download links are avaliable for 30 days. If at any time after that point you need to redownload your product, simply email with your order number for a new link.
  • I can't open my download. What should I do?
    All our instant downloads are .zip files because they contain multiple files. If you have access to a desktop, you should be able to open the files by double clicking on the .zip file or right click and select "unzip". If you are using an IPhone or IPad, you should be able to unzip the files through the use of the Files app. If you are using an Android phone, you should be able to unzip files through Files by Google. Most other phones and tablets have similar functions for handling .zip files.
  • How long does shipping take?
    Our books are currently printed through a print-on-demand company. The printing process typically takes a week, thought it can take longer. Standard shipping is USPS Media Mail which takes an additional 1-2 weeks. Altogether it takes roughly 2-3 weeks for your books to arrive.
  • Do you offer interational shipping?
    Yes! Our print-on-demand partner has locations around the world, so not only can we ship internationally, but we don't have to charge international shipping to do so! We currently offer shipping to Great Britain, Canada, and Australia. If you live outside those areas and would like to purchase a print product, please email us at so we can check on the shipping rates and availability in your country.
  • What devices can play the audiobook?
    The auidobook files are .mp3 files. These files should be playable by any music device or can be burned onto a CD.
  • My package arrived but didn't have all my books in it. Where are the rest?
    Our fulfillment company sometimes sends orders split between multiple packages. If only some of your books arrived, most likely the rest will arrive soon afterward in a separate box.
  • When will Snapshots of Modern History Vol. 2 be released?
    We are in the process of writing Snapshots of Modern History Vol. 2, which covers the World Wars as well as the interval time period. Snapshots of Modern History will have 3 volumes in total. We do not have a release date for the next volume yet, but hope to release in 2025.
  • What are your plans for future books?
    Currently we are focused on writing Snapshots of Modern History. Altogether, Snapshots of Ancient, Medieval, Early Modern, and Modern History will create a complete history cycle. After we've completed the Snapshots series, we have plans to move onto more advanced middle/high school level materials. We hope to cover even more history, discuss more mature topics, and incorporate more primary sources into our higher level books. Details on the topics, scopes, and publication timeline of these materials will be announced at a future date.


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